NEXT is a church-wide journey we started in February 2023 to increase our faith, enlarge our hearts, and open space to continue Helping People Meet and Follow Jesus. Please join us, and together, we’ll build a legacy for the generations to come. In the next 5 years, we anticipate seeing God expand our church influence to:
4000 Worshippers
1000 Baptisms
1 New Church in Celina
Campus Master Plan Build Out
To continue to see more people Meet and Follow Jesus, as well as reach the generations to come, we must add more parking, expand our ability to reach and minister to more children and expand our seating capacity for adults by building a new worship center and support space for each area of expansion.
Expanded children’s ministry space
Increase worship center capacity
Current building completed
100+ more parking spots
1000 seat auditorium + children’s ministry expansion
1500 seat auditorium + complete children’s ministry build out